Photo by: Mirjam Čančer

Tracing the story of Dirtswitch back to their beginnings in the cold winter of 2009, the four founding members were just gazing at what would soon prove to be the biggest ride of their lives.

A big wave.

After the birth of “Restraints”, the band soon discovered a presence overloaded with electrifying energy, uniting them in their passion for music and delivering a live spectacle for all those who are willing to set their spirit free. After receiving praise from fans and critics alike, both home and abroad, the band turned to the studio. Their debut album, “Phoenix Down” was released on Sept. 7th 2011. The album is available internationally on iTunes.

Heavily influenced by the grunge, modern rock and post-grunge artists of the past two decades, such as Alter Bridge, Soundgarden, King’s X and Shinedown, the band’s trademark sound is comprised of heavy, down-tuned riffs combined with powerful and memorable vocal lines.


Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Every Dirtswitch song bears a mark of the element from which it was born.
Every song tells a story of its making. But make no mistake. These songs were made to be loud.

Začetki skupine Dirtswitch segajo v mrzlo zimo leta 2009, ko fantje sploh še niso slutili, da se jim približuje najbolj divja vožnja njihovega življenja. Veliki val. Po rojstvu komada ‘Restraints’ so štirje ustanovni člani odkrili prisotnost naelektrene energije, ki jih je povezala v njihovi strasti do glasbe in ustvarjanju koncertnega spektakla za vse tiste, ki so pripravljeni sprostiti svoja čustva. Dirtswitch so novinci na glasbeni sceni, Rok, Luka, Uroš in Jani pa so svojo glasbeno osebnost kovali več let po drugih slovenskih skupinah.

Dirtswitch svoje vplive črpajo iz grunge in post-grunge obdobij preteklih dveh desetletij, kot so Alter Bridge, Soundgarden, King’s X in Shinedown, njihov značilni zvok pa sestavljajo težke, nizko uglašene kitare, prepletene z močnimi in spevnimi vokalnimi linijami.

Prvenec ‘Phoenix Down’ se dotika tematike vzponov in ponovnih padcev, 12 skladb na plošči pa se preliva iz visoko-oktanskih žganic »Restraints« in »Too much« v očarljive bledeče akorde zaključne skladbe »Today«.

Dirtswitch so svojo glasbo uspešno predstavili publiki tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini, pojavili pa so se tudi na večjih slovenskih in avstrijskih festivalih, kot so Majske igre, Schengenfest in dunajski Maifest.


Dirtswitch are:

Band members

Luka Lamut

Luka uses:
Shure microphones

Pearl Jam

Favorite albums:
Aerosmith – Pump / Aerosmith
Alice in chains – Dirt
Shinedown – Leave a whisper
Alter Bridge – One day remains
Staind – Break the cycle

Jani Nendl
guitars / backing vocals

Jani uses:
PRS guitars
Marshall amps
T-Rex, Ernie Ball, Pigtronix, TC Electronic and Strymon products

Ritchie Blackmore
Richie Kotzen
Jimmy Page
Bruce Springsteen
Mark Tremonti

Favorite albums:
Bruce Springsteen – Live at Hammersmith ’75
Soundgarden – Badmotorfinger / Superunknown
King’s X – Dogman
Alter Bridge – Blackbird
Pearl Jam – Ten

Rok Seifert
bass guitars

Rok uses:
Fender bass guitars
TC Electronic amps & cabs
BBE and Boss products

John Paul Jones
Tim Commerford
Robert Trujillo
Dug Pinnick

Favorite albums:
Metallica – Master of puppets
AC/DC – Back in black
Led Zeppelin – Remasters
Shinedown – Us & them
Audioslave – Audioslave

Uros Markic

Uros uses:
Tama drums and hardware
Paiste, Sabian and Istanbul cymbals

Mike Portnoy
Steve Gadd
Scott Phillips
John Bonham

Favorite albums:
RATM – Rage against the machine
Shinedown – Us & them
King’s X – Dogman
Alter Bridge – Blackbird / ABIII
Guns n’ Roses – Use your illusion II